The causeway gate is closed to cars and the walk to the tip of this island in southeastern Massachusetts will be longer. That's fine. Pilgrimage is not just about the destination. It's about the walking - the journeying - and the arriving again.
Wednesday, I woke up with an urgent need to get to a specific part of this island. It is an unassuming turn in the path where the ground feels unexpectedly firm and the vegetation suddenly closes in on the path. There, I feel comforted and supported as an individual, while the perfectly muffled sound of the ocean just beyond reminds me I am part of the whole. There is something about that spot. I always stop in my tracks and soak it all in! It is here that I feel seen, loved, and reassured.
This is the pilgrimage I walk to a humble turn in the path where I remember, again and again, I am who I am supposed to be. Neither forgotten nor alone, I am seen and loved. I am on the right path.
I go again. And again. To walk where I have walked. To know what I have known.
I go again. And again. To ask the question. To receive the answer.
I go again. And again. To say yes. To say yes!
~ Beth Adoette
Pop Up Open Studio this Saturday!
Open Studio on March 25 at 211 Columbus Ave., Pawtucket, RI. This time I am sharing space with artist Matthew Finger in Studio 230, next door to R.I. Artisan Birdhouse. Come see art from all three of us!
Can't make the Open Studio? You can always shop here! Or check out the growing list of art festivals where I will be showing in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida,click here!
More on Spoonflower
I am uploading more designs on Spoonflower all the time! See them in wallpaper, fabric, and home decor like pillows, blankets, tablecloths, etc! (To view home decor, click on a design, then find the "also available in home decor" tab lower on the right hand side of that specific design page.) See what's up right now here!
Want to support my thinking, writing, and creating time? Buy me a cup of coffee here . . . https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adoette